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Low Carbon Methods for Doing and Communicating Research With Dr Anne Pasek. Anne Pasek and Ariel Kroon. Solar Punk Presents. 10 June 2024.

A podcast conversation discussing the carbon footprint of academic research, better and worse ways of responding to it, and experiments in print and digital modes of research dissemination.

How to Get Into Fights With Data Centers: Or, a Modest Proposal for Reframing the Climate Politics of ICT. Anne Pasek. Experimental Methods & Media Lab. 2023.

A zine arguing for the social and political benefits of fighting against data centre expansions rather than worrying about the carbon footprints of individual digital consumer activities. It includes a tutorial on how to research the data centres that house your data.

On Being Anxious About Digital Carbon Emissions. Anne Pasek. Social Media & Society 9.2: 2023.

Reflections on how researchers and artists are responding to growing concerns around the climate impacts of digital networks, plus one researcher's evolving practical and emotional responses to the problem.

DIY Methods 2023

Proceedings from the secon DIY Methods conference. More zines, more experimental research, more mail-based research-exchange.

DIY Methods 2023

Proceedings from the secon DIY Methods conference. More zines, more experimental research, more mail-based research-exchange.

DIY Methods 2022

Proceedings from the first DIY Methods conference, including 70+ zines discussing experimental research methods.

The Way We Work: Part 3 - Working Solutions to Unsustainable Academia

Jekanowski, Rachel Webb, Anne Pasek, and Kate Elliott. Historians for the Future. 20 May 2022.

A discussion on directions and goals for action towards a more just, accessible, and sustainable university.

The Way We Work: Part 2 - Extractivism in the University

Jekanowski, Rachel Webb, Anne Pasek, and Kate Elliott. Historians for the Future. 1 April 2022.

An analysis of the energy politics of university labour and business practices.

The Way We Work: Part 1 - Oily Entanglements

Jekanowski, Rachel Webb, Anne Pasek, and Kate Elliott. Historians for the Future. 28 January 2022.

A discussion of fossil fuel entanglements in institutional practices and archival research.

Solar-Powered Media

Pasek, Anne and Benedetta Piantella. July 2021.

A zine about building your own solar-powered digital media storage infrastructure and sharing it online. It includes instructions and suggestions about the hardware and software this task requires, as well as ideas and directions for the kinds of applications and aesthetics that seem to work best with such systems.

Making and Meeting Online: A White Paper on E-Conferences, Workshops, and other Experiments in Low-Carbon Research Exchange

Pasek, Anne, Caleb Wellum, and Emily Roehl. Petrocultures Research Group. 6 October 2020.

Travel is not something academic workers should take for granted. The costs of travel shape who shows up at conferences and thus, who participates in the conversations that define a community of study. It also shapes environments, warming the world and expanding the sacrifice zones of global hypermobility. Presently, efforts to control the spread of Covid-19 have grounded many of us. This presents an opportunity to think about what conferences can or should be, to address the inequities and exclusions baked into current research norms, and to foster a more sustainable and accessible academe. As scholars of media and energy, and as e-conference organizers and participants ourselves, we have some early observations, advice, and provocations to offer. We have written this white paper to highlight what’s worked in the past, what hazards lie ahead for the future, and what potential gains could be won in the present.

Low-Carbon Research: Building a Greener and More Inclusive Academy

Anne Pasek, Engaging Science and Technology Studies 6(2020):

This essay examines how the fossil fuel energy regimes that support contemporary academic norms in turn shape and constrain knowledge production. High-carbon research methods and exchanges, particularly those that depend on aviation, produce distinct exclusions and incentives that could be reformed in the transition to a low-carbon academy. Drawing on feminist STS, alternative modes of collective research creation and collaboration are outlined, along with an assessment of their potential challenges and gains. This commentary concludes with several recommendations for incremental and institutional changes, along with a call for scholars of social and technical systems to uniquely contribute to this transition.